If you want to be adored and cherished and finally attract your Divine Life Partner Soulmate without riding the endless merry-go-round of bad dates, read on Buttercup!
Even though your life looks great on paper, you are ready to settle for an unremarkable Love Life (filled with commitment-phobes, guys who ghost and sex buddies with no real relationship potential)

You believe that you can crack the code for attracting real love through osmosis by hanging with the masses in free Facebook groups, trying a different dating app or watching self-help guru videos on Instagram

You believe in the Law of Attraction, but you think it has nothing to do with your Love Life
If you answered TRUE, then it's best we part ways now, because the Soul Love Method™ Course is not for you. 

But if you answered FALSE and you are an incurable romantic who knows in her heart of hearts that her Right Partner REALLY IS out there somewhere waiting for her...

And you want to FINALLY stop listening to all of the useless dating advice and invest in something that works and gets real results...

Then you are in the right place at JUST the right time.

Go, you!
Introducing the Soul Love Method™ Course
The Hidden, 5-Part Method to Manifest Your Divine Soulmate
It can (and will) take you from single to happily ever after with the man who is right for you in as little as 6 months without having to swipe hundreds of online dating profiles, sit through a bunch of lukewarm dates or wait around passively hoping your right guy will fall from the sky.

Break yourself out of Dating Purgatory forever in as little as 6 months, even if you are a ponytail-and-sweats, hardcore introvert and dread the idea of "putting yourself out there".
Here are just some of the things you get when you decide to invest in the Soul Love Method™ Course:
Video tutorials for my proven, 5-step method I use to successfully manifest soulmates for my private clients only (until now)
Downloadable healing audios to clear out your energetic blocks to love WHILE YOU SLEEP
Step-by-step worksheets to take the guesswork out of using the method so that you can get quick results easily 
Access to me via live monthly Q&A's so you have the support and answers you need in order to get results
Here's what's included in the Soul Love Method™ Course:
  • ​Discover the BEST TIME to clear love blocks from your subconscious and how not using this time period for your healing prolongs your stay in Dating Purgatory
  •  Use downloadable, custom, healing audios to bring healing statements deep into your subconscious so that you can CLEAR YOUR MOST STUBBORN, DESTRUCTIVE LOVE BLOCKS (and stop attracting things that match them)
  •  FREE YOURSELF FROM YOUR EX once and for all so that the “spouse place” in your energy can be open to new love (Hint: you need to do this even if you and your ex weren’t legally married.)
  • Discover the secret to your clarity breakthrough that the love gurus, law of attraction teachers and Positivity Police DON’T WANT YOU TO KNOW (Hint: It has nothing to do with repeating a gazillion affirmations all day long.) 
  • ​Write THE PERFECT LOVE LIST, your “Order to the Universe,” using tried and true love manifesting statements that WORK (and avoid the innocent-seeming, commonly-used statements that actually sabotage you!)
  • ​Understand how to READ THE SIGNS that your Love List is working so you won’t sabotage yourself by giving in to doubts when you are sooooo close to success
  • GET INTO THE “QUEEN ENERGY” of receiving, so you won’t make the mistake of chasing (and attracting men who make you chase them) when you should be the one being pursued
  • ​Discover the ONE THING you can do in 5 minutes to become instantly magnetic to love (even if you’ve had a bad day and don’t have the energy to be Positive Paula.)
  • ​Overcome the one thing that is KEEPING YOU STUCK in Dating Purgatory while millions use this exact tactic to attract their soulmates every day.
  • THE EXACT TIMELINE to follow for manifesting love to make sure that you attract a healthy relationship instead of repeating all of the old, tired patterns of soul-sucking disappointment and agonizing heartache
  • ​Get time-tested, behind-the-scenes secrets from a 6th generation Love Healer for creating a sacred LOVE ALTAR
  • ​Learn the ONE SENTENCE INVOCATION to use daily that instantly stirs the Universe to move in your favor to manifest your Soulmate
  • Finally understand THE BIG MISTAKE successful love manifesters avoid that keeps even the most enthusiastic, dedicated law of attraction devotees stuck, frustrated and alone
  • ​Discover a savvy, easy process to AVOID WASTING YOUR TIME AND ENERGY and cancelling out your manifestation
  • ​Read the SIGNS OF LAND that show you your Soulmate is about to show up in your life
Not To Mention These Bonus Goodies:
Swipe Her Love List Masterclass™
Get an inside look at the Love Lists of real women who've successfully manifested their soulmates and share in their wisdom for your own Love List...because success leaves clues!
(Value $99)
Get Your Ex Out of Your Energy Healing Experience™
Your ex is still in your energy. Use these powerful energy healing techniques to clear out energetic baggage left by your ex(es), so that you can make sacred space for new love. 
(Value $99)
Clear the 21 Most Common Love Blocks with EFT Masterclass™
Use Emotional Freedom Technique (AKA "tapping") to access the core beliefs in your energy that are sabotaging your Love Life and clear them out once and for all. 
(Value $199)
The Overnight Heartache Cure™ 
Heal the 5 Breakup wounds IN YOUR SLEEP - shame, anger, confusion, grief and fear - that keep you from being magnetic to new love (Value $199)
Already bought the Overnight Heartache Cure? Email us after you buy the Soul Love Method™ and we'll credit your purchase of the Overnight Heartache Cure toward your purchase of the Soul Love Method Course.
Who am I and how can I help you?
I'm Carisa and I help high vibe, heart-centered, single women heal their hearts and attract marriage-minded men without self-sabotage.
  • 86% of my private clients are in happy, healthy, committed relationships within 3-6 months of using the EXACT SAME METHODS and tools I share with you in the Soul Love Method™ Course
  • Taught over 500+ single women how to attract marriage-minded men and stop attracting commitment-phobes, sex buddies and guys who ghost
  • Had clients get asked on dates within 24 hours of working with me - after months (and sometimes YEARS) of not being asked out on any dates 
  • Degrees in Psychology + Counseling; Certified Energy Healer and 6th Generation Healer
  • Featured in Yahoo Finance, Mama Motivator, Full Circle Wellness, Single While Entrepreneuring, Single Mom Tribe, Attracting Love at 40 and Beyond and Finer Minds
You know what I hate? 

When people show their own success as a mark of how well they've done. 

You know what I love?

Real life CLIENT success stories and love notes. And I have a TON of them, like really. 

It warms my heart - EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

And NO, I did not pay these people to say all of these nice things about the work we did together with the Soul Love Method™.

While these ladies are lovely souls, they aren't a special type of human, they don't have any advantage over you, and their results can be yours...just like that.
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So, let's think about this seriously for a minute...
You could get premium memberships to the most exclusive dating sites and spend $1000+


You could try a private, one-on-one program with a personal development coach and spend between $7,000 - $10,000


You could hire a high-end matchmaker and spend between $30,000 to $50,000...
But you will still...
Attract the same kinds of men, because you have not healed the patterns in your energy that are attracting them to you in the first place...

Find yourself looking for a needle in a haystack of weirdos...


Waste tons of money on flashy distractions and possibly precious years of your life pretending that you are content with single life, instead of finally creating your real-life happily ever after.
With the Soul Love Method™ Course, not only are you avoiding all of those frankly disturbing and unnecessary things, you are also giving yourself the transformation of being absolutely irresistible to your Right Partner and SAVING ALL OF THAT MONEY.

Be honest now, if I just handed you that big hunk of cash would you turn it down?

Think about that before you click away...
Today is the day, in fact this MOMENT... this is the very moment when you get to decide...

ONE - You can decide to stay as you are. Doing nothing differently, still watching love guru videos online, still hanging out in free Facebook groups, still using free dating apps, still wondering if they will ever help you to finally overcome your struggle to find real love. How does that feel? Right, I think we both know. And it’s not happy.

TWO - You can gather your wits, suck it all up and decide to go it alone. YOU ARE AN ISLAND. You don’t need anyone else. Well actually, yes, you probably could do this, you’re a smart cookie after all and I’m as sure as a girl can be that it will be better than option one...but. Better is not what you’re looking for. Amiright?

THREE - OR, or. You could fling those options on the scrap pile and instead get everything you have ever needed in the Soul Love Method™ Course to go from single to happily ever after with the man who is right for you in as little as 6 months, without having to swipe hundreds of online profiles, go on millions of dates or wait around passively hoping your guy will just show up. You can finally break yourself out of Dating Purgatory forever in as little as 6 months, even if you secretly fear that you are too broken, too damaged, too picky, or too overweight to attract love.

I think we both know that 2 of those options are D.O.A. 

So the choice is yours...and you’re the one who gets to either reap the benefits or live with the consequences *insert maniacal laugh*

But honestly, Love, you know and I know that there’s really only one rational choice here. 

Plus you get the benefit of my 14 Day, 100% money back guarantee...so I have all the risk, you have zero!

By purchasing you agree to these terms and conditions.
I get it, decision fatigue is a thing. 

Making decisions can be a painful process, and if you’re still umming and ahhing and hemming and hawing over The Soul Love Method™ Course let me help break it down into chunks that will make the decision-making part of your brain sing.

What you get here will allow you to attract your Divine Life Partner Soulmate and this is not a flimsy promise. I know because I have seen it. Not just once, but 


and over

and over


Not just for myself but for hundreds of fabulous, single women that I have worked with over the years.

Now to the nitty gritty. 

Here are just some of the things you get when you decide to invest in The Soul Love Method™ Course:

Downloadable healing audios to clear out your love blocks in your sleep (worth $200)

Video tutorials for my proven 5-step method to manifest love, used to successfully manifest satisfying, healthy, committed relationships for my private clients (worth $1,000)

Step by step worksheets to take the guesswork out of manifesting love (worth $100)

You also get these ridiculous bonuses:

The Get Your Ex Out Of Energy Healing Experience (worth $99)

The Swipe Her Love List Masterclass (worth $99)

The Clear the 21 Most Common Love Blocks with EFT Masterclass (worth $199)

So unless my math is totally screwy that is about $1697 worth of the exact thing you’re looking for to take you from suffering and struggling in Dating Purgatory to being adored and Divinely partnered with your provider-type, emotionally mature, commitment-minded man in as little as 6 months. 

And it’s all yours..right here..right now for less than $3/day…

Less than a grande vanilla latte...

To go from suffering and struggling in Dating Purgatory to being adored and Divinely partnered with your provider-type, emotionally mature, commitment-minded man.

When you really think about it, compared to having your Divine Life Partner Soulmate, this barely even registers. 

FAST FORWARD TO A YEAR FROM TODAY (stick with me, I haven’t lost my mind).

You are celebrating. Why? Because you, my friend have done the work. You’ve completed The Soul Love Method™ Course. You have lived and breathed it, implemented, actioned, generally been a freakin’ rockstar and now...well now you are free from Dating Purgatory forever which means every day you feel lighter, more confident, relaxed, safe and secure in your relationship. 

You love being around your married friends now that the ever-present twinge of jealousy underneath your happiness for them is gone.

You no longer have to handle all of the minutia of life alone, in fact you now have a partner who delights in providing for you - emotionally, spiritually, financially - and every other way that you'll let him...

Let’s carry on our little fantasy...

The day begins as you wake up in his arms with a giant smile on your face.

During the day, you look at your phone and it’s him calling you (that giant smile is back again) to surprise you with plane tickets for a special romantic trip.

At work, you find yourself daydreaming about all of the amazing days to come in your beautiful future together. 

And you continue the day, knowing that you are not a person beset with excuses and nonsense. 

You know loneliness is not your destiny. You’re not one of those people any more. 

You’re one the winners at life. 

So my question is, if there was something that allowed you to do this, to create this day, this life, this existence - would you take it?

Because there IS...

The Soul Love Method™ Course that can take you from single to happily ever after with the man who is right for you in as little as 6 months, without having to swipe hundreds of online profiles, go on millions of dates or wait around passively hoping your guy will just show up.

You can finally break yourself out of Dating Purgatory forever, even if you secretly fear that you are too broken, too damaged, too picky, or too overweight to attract love. 

Now is your time.

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I want you to try ​The Soul Love Method™ Course at my risk. Because I know it works but you don’t …yet!

If you aren’t 100% satisfied, and I mean even 1% unhappy, I want you to immediately let me know so I can refund you. I mean it, I don’t want your money.

I value our relationship and my reputation more than a few hundred bucks. 

So try The Soul Love Method™ Course for 14 days. 

I am giving you 14 days to be completely sure and utterly satisfied. I won’t take anything less!

So go ahead, buy now – you have plenty of time to dig into the course and decide if this is the right fit for you. 

Invest in your Love Life now so that you can spend your time in your happily ever after NOW, because your Soulmate relationship is priceless. 

Enrollment is opening again soon for the Soul Love Method™ Course.
Don't keep your Soulmate waiting...get on the VIP List to be first in line!
CHECK THIS BOX TO COMPLETE YOUR REQUEST, because we need to know you're a real person who wants this info before we can email you. We promise we will never ever SPAM you...ever. 
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